TRE (Tension/Trauma Releasing Exercises)

Boost Your Mental Health by Focusing on Physical Health

TRE or Tension/ Trauma Releasing Exercises is an excellent physical health intervention that improves mental health.

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TRE is being used all over the world to help with our mental health!

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Trauma/ Tension Releasing Exercises (TRE)


Materials Needed: Clear Space & Timer

Optional Materials: music, yoga mat, pillow


Step By Step Warm up before tremoring: (Watch Video)

  1. Ankle Rolls (5 each side)

  2. Single Leg Calf Raises (til 7 out of 10 fatigue)

  3. Single Leg Squats (til 7 out of 10 fatigue)

  4. Wide Leg Forward Folds (3 breaths at middle, left, right, and middle again)

  5. Standing Front Stretches (3 breaths and middle, left, right, and middle again)

  6. Wall Sit (move up an inch each time fatigue level reaches a 7)

  7. Feet together forward fold (1 minute)

  8. Floor position- Soles of feet together + Pelvic Raise (til 7 out of 10 fatigue) x3

  9. Floor position- Soles of feet together + Slowly inch knees closer to body mid-line


Tremor position

When tremoring starts, place feet flat on the floor about 3-4 inches apart. Knees open slightly wider than your feet. Tremors may come in waves. Remember to breathe deeply to relax the body and mind! Move your knees closer or further away from each other to fine tune your tremoring.

This would be a time for you to set a timer for however long you would like to tremor. Recommended time is about 20-30 minutes.

After your time has ended. Spend at least 2 minutes laying flat on your back with your legs extended straight for consolidation.


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