My Favorite Way to Use Cognitive Defusion in Real Life

Cognitive Defusion

Cognitive Defusion (just Defusion for short) is one of the 6 core processes in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Defusion helps us get space from unhelpful thoughts so that we can do more of what is important in our lives.

Here we go!

Defusion in Action

I am sitting in the backyard feeling tired. Watching my son walk over to his play set. He loves that play set and he always wants me to push him on the swings. I watch him meander about the yard, and I know that’s where he’s heading. My mind immediately sends me these thoughts, “I want to sit here drink my coffee in peace, and not get up and push him on the swing” and “I wish he would learn how to pump his legs”, but he’s only two and a half, so I can’t be too upset with his inability to swing by himself. I sat with these unhelpful thoughts swirling around in my head for a brief time.

Then, using my Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) skills, I was able to slow down my thought process and actually observe my thoughts from a defused standpoint. I began to realize those unhelpful thoughts were stopping me from walking over and pushing him on the swing. Those thoughts were interfering with my ability to act on my values. Instead, those thoughts were keeping my attention focused on my tiredness.

Getting space from those thoughts is what enabled me to get up and go push him. I didn’t do it because I made myself feel guilty. I did it because I know that one of my values is connection and pushing him on the swing is one of the ways he likes to connect with me the most.


Defusion helps you move unhelpful thoughts out of the way so that you can go after your values and do what’s important to you.


The diffusion technique I used was clouds floating by in the sky. I watched the unhelpful, non-values driven thoughts float by and just observed them for what they are. Just thoughts, nothing more, nothing less. Eventually a different, more values aligned thought floated by. I chose to cling onto that cloud and ride it all the way to committed action.


Thankfully, these were not very sticky thoughts. I was able to move them aside rather easily. Part of my success was practice with defusion, and the other part was a clear understanding of my values. I can only imagine how pleasant this defusion will feel when more troublesome thoughts arise in my mind.


Cognitive Defusion (or just Defusion for short) is one of the core processes utilized in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). ACT falls under the umbrella of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and has a large amount of research supporting its use for the treatment of mental health issues.


I began studying ACT in 2016. To avoid dramatics, ACT has been very useful in my own life as well as the lives of my clients. This learning has led to a level of expertise that I continue to find useful in my own life and in my counseling sessions.


Engaging in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy can help immensely if you are struggling with your mental health. I share this personal experience to highlight some of core processes of ACT and as a small example of how it works in real life.


I invite you to connect with me if you want to learn more about ACT and what POD HEALTH has to offer you!


Till next time,







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