Putting Psychological Flexibility into Action

Acceptance And Commitment Therapy in Real Life.

I think practicing what I preach is an important part of authenticity in the counseling setting. So, that’s what I am doing!

Here we go!

Psychological Flexibility/ Self-Compassion

In an attempt to practice what I preach; I am taking the week off from blogging. Maybe two. This is a busy time and being psychologically flexible is at the heart of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. I genuinely value spending time pouring energy into publishing blog posts. And, flexibly pursuing values is something that I help others with in therapy. Thus, I also need to live by my own suggestions!

Bringing in some self-compassion and mindfulness here. Listening to my body’s request for a break without being harsh in myself or getting fused to thoughts of laziness.

I’ll let you know how it goes. Have a good couple weeks! I know I will!

As always,



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