Values as a Road Map

Let Your Values Lead the Way

This is the way. Not just the catch phrase oft used by the Mandalorian. Let your values show you the way.

Here we go!

Values in ACTion

Values driven action is at the very heart of Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT). All ACT work begins with a clarification of values. Why? Because we need to determine the direction we are headed and give a meaning to the difficult work ahead. Values act as the road map or compass as we progress through our journey.

Research completed on ACT shows that people who 1) have a clear understanding of their values and 2) continually take action on their values report higher life satisfaction. Focusing on values creates an upward life direction. It also allows for flexible perspective taking when difficult things arise in life. Getting clear on your top values is a vital task!

I have all of my clients complete a values card sort exercise. This is almost always done in our second session because this sets the compass for the rest of the work we do together. I am not sure the exact number of clients I have worked with at this point, but I have yet to work with a client who has done a values card sort before meeting with me. To me, this shows the necessity of doing values work right away.

Getting clear on your values isn’t a magic solution. In fact, sometimes taking action on your values is uncomfortable. For example, anxiety often gets in the way of valued action. Someone who values friendship, and struggles with social anxiety may avoid talking to their friends about the tough stuff in life out of fear of being judged. Taking the valued step of disclosing vulnerable information most likely will not feel pleasant in the moment. But, that valued action opens up opportunity to deepen the relationship with that friend.

Values driven action does not ensure an easy life, but it does open up the opportunity to lead a rich, full, and meaningful life. This is the way.

List of Core Personal Values

Above is the ACT hexaflex. This describes the 6 core processes of ACT. 

Your Top 5 Values

*Select the 5 most important values that you need in order to be the type of person you want to be. The list below is provided for assistance. You can choose other values that may not be on this list. 

Daily Values Log


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